Saturday, September 29, 2007


Not sure if the 4 and 5 year olds understand the game of soccer but they certainly have fun.


Kasey said...

I think they get it. Run and kick, run and kick. Isn't that the jist?!

Debbie said...

You can't say you have truly enjoyed the benefits of parenthood until you have spent your Saturdays enduring soccer. You have now arrived.

troutfisher said...

Believe it or not, it took weeks of soccer drills and coaching to aspire to this level.

Debbie said...

Not only do I believe it, but I have lived through every nerve grinding minute of it. Every Saturday morning I would say, "I would rather be having my eyes poked out with a sharp stick, or bamboo shoved under my fingernails than to be watching this. Actually, it didn't get that bad until I was enduring it with the 5th kid. You won't have to endure as long as me:)

Grami said...

Great video! Aidan is a good runner and kicker! Looks like he is the best! Keeps you busy just'keeping up'...........

mccommas family said...

What a great site you have and now I can acces it! It was so fun watching Aidan'play soccer. I think we can all stick together better with our family blog!!